

Lusting for Covers is a meme found on TBQ so come and join in on this fun meme!!!lusting-for-covers-updated (2)

1- Take the graphic (left) to use on your post. Remember to give credit to the original host (TBQ).

2- Choose your own book cover that you’ve fallen in “lust” with in the past week. It can be new, old, a reprint, or even a book that is not yet out– it’s all up to you! If you find a cover that catches your eye, then showcase it on your blog, and let others see the pretty covers out there.

3- Copy the direct link to your own L4C post into the comment section on my post (when in doubt, use this link and then scroll down to find the post), and allow others to come and see what you picked!

(OPTIONAL): 4- Besides posting the picture of the book cover you chose, it’s nice to provide the book summary, title, author, or a website link for the book. It’s not required, but it can help you readers’ to add more books to their own list! A brief “Why I choose this cover” is also appreciated, but not required.

My forty-sixth for this fun meme is:

Good Vampires Go To HeavenGood Vampires Go To Heaven (A Deadly Angels Book #8) by Sandra Hill

Release Date: November 29, 2016

Synopsis: None at this time.

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